Struggling to find the perfect paint color to match your home? Whether it is exterior or interior we got it covered. Keep reading to learn how to decipher the mood of your home.
When choosing a paint color for the exterior of your home, take a look around. What do the houses in the area look like? Stick to a color palette that resembles the surrounding area, this will ensure the up to date longevity and look of your home.
The interior of your home is all dependent on the mood you are going for. If you want a nautical feel, add blues, turquoise, and white. If you want a traditional look try out colors like brown, red and black. The trick is to work with your elements, the look of your home and the furniture that plays with it.
Stick to the Neutrals
Sticking to a neutral paint base throughout your home is the safest bet for a classic looking home. Whites, creams, browns, and shades of black work best for a feel that will never go out of style. Like said previously, work with the decor and build off that to achieve the aesthetics of the home.
Go Bold
Don’t be scared to take some risks and add some pops of color here and there. Muted neutrals work best in common living areas but for added fun paint the laundry room something a little more out there. The entertainment room is another area where it is encouraged to go a little risky with the color scheme.
What colors do you have now in your home? What colors would you like to add? With so many options it is impossible to get bored with your home color scheme.